Chandler Kemp founded Kempy Energetics in 2015 with a mission to improve energy systems in Alaska and beyond.
Kempy Energetics is fighting climate change by empowering clients to reduce their emissions cost effectively. Kempy Energetics performs energy audits, develops models of energy systems, evaluates policy proposals and publishes peer reviewed research.
This work has been supported by partnerships with the Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association, the Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation, Energy Audits of Alaska, the Southwest Alaska Municipal Conference, Representative Jonathan Kreiss Tomkins, Navis Energy Management Solutions, Stanford University Environmental Assessment and Optimization group, Oceans North, Net Zero Atlantic, private fishermen and others.
Kemp graduated from Stanford University in the summer of 2015 with a Master of Science degree from the Energy Resource Engineering department. As a graduate student, Kemp led development of the Fugitive Emission Abatement Simulation Toolkit (FEAST) in collaboration with Arvind Ravikumar and under the mentorship of Adam Brandt. FEAST is a computer model that simulates the impact of leak detection and repair (LDAR) programs in natural gas systems. As of January 2020, FEAST had been cited in twenty-eight peer reviewed articles.
As a consultant, Kemp has conducted over 100 energy audits on commercial buildings, residential buildings and fishing vessels in Alaska and Yukon. Working with the Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation, the Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association and Navis Energy Management Solutions LLC, Kemp combined results from dozens of vessel audits to create the Fishing Vessel Energy Analysis Tool. Fishermen can use the tool to explore energy conservation measures on their vessels.

Kempy Energetics also partnered with Otolith Marking and Reading Research (Ketchikan, Alaska) to experiment with automated otolith mark detection and classification. The project applied statistical learning methods to otolith images in order to determine which hatchery reared the fish. The project demonstrated the efficacy of a neural network designed specifically for this task and has the potential to improve fishery management decisions by providing a new method for determining salmon origin.
In 2019-2022 Kempy Energetics provided residential energy audits and heat pump assessments for clients in Whitehorse, Yukon and Juneau Alaska. Kemp completed the training and testing process to become a certified energy assessor in Canada and then continued residential energy work in Juneau as a contractor for Alaska Heatsmart. Kemp continues to work with Alaska Heat smart to provide heat pump assessments for clients interested in switching from oil to electric heat.
In 2022 Kempy Energetics formed new partnerships with Rimot, Allswater, Charged Engineering and Nova Scotia Community College to research a pathway for lobster fleet decarbonization in Nova Scotia. The cross-continent partnership brings Kempy Energetics’ prior work in fishing vessel efficiency to a new fishery and connects Nova Scotia’s blossoming marine tech ecosystem to Alaska.
Ben Matthys joined Kempy Energetics in 2022. Matthys holds a bachelor degree in Reclamation, Environment & Conservation and brings years of experience as an engineering and maintenance technician in a variety of fields, most recently installing and servicing electronic monitoring systems in Alaskan fisheries. In addition to his hands-on experience with marine electronics, Matthys brings experience working in C++ and ArcGIS programming languages.
Through Kempy Energetics, we find cost effective ways for clients to reduce their environmental impact and understand the implications of their energy system management decisions.